The logo of the Philippine-American Heritage Council, illustrates the Christian (largely Catholic) nature of the Philippines with the famous image of “Santo Nino” (Holy Infant) while showing both the flag of our country of origin & of America, our new home.
The Philippine-American Heritage Council in south central Pennsylvania has associated itself with “New Americans by Choice,” which through their parent corporation is a non-profit organization recognized under IRS Section 501/c/4.
Two important things we want you to know about the Philippines.
First, the Philippines is not only the largest Christian nation in the Pacific rim but it is also largely a Catholic Country. The image of the baby Jesus you see above – known as Santo Nino (Holy Child)- is the single most popular image of the Christ in the nation and is a virtual symbol of our country of origin to most of us of Philippines heritage.
Second, the Philippines has been a close ally and friend to the USA.
Many of us know from the stories of relatives and friends how the United States helped our country of origin become free and independent as we fought together in World War II.
The Philippine-American Heritage Council was originally created by about a dozen Americans of Filipino heritage (often aided by their American-born husbands) to showcase what is best about the Philippines with food, costume and history, at a double-sized booth at their local Catholic Church annual heritage festival.
We have continued with many other activities since and are now associated with New Americans by Choice to help showcase both American exceptionalism, and also, what is great about the Philippines too.
One of the founding members of the Philippine-American Heritage Council delivered remarks at the (then) annual Freedom Leadership Conference of November 11, 2009 in Thurmont, Maryland, entitled “Message for New Americans about Freedom: Observe Carefully. Assimilate Quickly.”
The “message for new Americans about Freedom” is an example of how we wish to address “new Americans” about American exceptionalism,” while at the same time reminding our fellow Americans of the ideals that so many of the “accidental American-born” citizens appear to take for granted in recent years. You can read the remarks HERE. (http://freedomleadershipconference.org/issues/message-for-new-americans-about-freedom/)
The association with the non-profit organization “New Americans by Choice” provides our Philippine-American Heritage Council a website and access to some professional assistance to help us showcase our activities. The new association also provides a method of collecting donations to help fund future activities (without adding expensive and time consuming reporting requirements for us – all handled by “New Americans by Choice” which already has through its parent corporation an accountant, bookkeeper, a “Chief Financial Officer, an attorney and other professionals.
Thanks to this new association the Philippine-American Heritage Council can focus on what we do best – sponsor, co-sponsor or endorse parties, picnics and other functions to celebrate Philippine cultured (including food, history and costume) and share what we have learned about American exceptionalism.