Philippine American Heritage Council Members to watch Star Wars, the Force Awakens, Here’s one reason why

160102StarWars2(KalayaanNEWS Dispatch, Opinion) Why is Star Wars once again at the top of the movie charts – in fact topping $1 billion in sales in its first 12 days?  Why does the franchise have such Iconic status in American and indeed in worldwide culture?  I believe it goes beyond just a good story, good quality, and good special effects – all truly present and accounted for.  It goes to something basic, something primordial in human nature: the wish, hope and prayer that what John, Chapter 1, Verse 5 says is really true – “the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it”.  

In this day and age of the “anti-hero” where someone who in the past would have been the “bad guy” in the story is in fact the central protagonist, it is refreshing to see a series of movies do so well where the “dark side” is represented as bad and wrong, and those fighting for freedom are unreservedly and refreshingly right and good.

It doesn’t mean good guys always win.  But despite their human foibles and mistakes and even sins, good remains good, evil remains wrong, and the only way the bad guys are ever portrayed as good is when they repent and defect, as famously happened with Luke Skywalker’s dad, the evil Darth Vader.  Redemption of course, is a particularly Christian virtue.

What a wonderful thing to see a movie that is actually good for the soul, arousing for the spirit and just good clean fun in this age of the anti-hero as protagonist.  And how especially wonderful it is to see such a box-office success, once again, for a movie which represents and upholds so many of the virtues we admire.

Are you a Star Warns Fan?  If so, we’d love to hear what your opinion is as to first, why do you think Star Wars is so popular, and second, what is YOUR reason for loving this movie – whether it is the brand new “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” or the entire series, now up to 7 and on the way to at least a total of 9 and hopefully more.  You can write to with your opinion – and unless you say otherwise we assume you are OK for us to publish your email in a future article here.

Meanwhile, in central Pennsylvania, another group of Philippine American Heritage Council (PAHC) members are off to see Star Wars: The Force Awakens and if this last minute notice reaches you in time you should join the group tonight (Sat. 1/2/16) which will assemble for dinner at Crimson American Grill at 5 PM and then off to their reserved 7:30 pm movie “Imax-3D” tickets at Frank Theater (we strongly urge you to use Fandango to buy in advance – otherwise you’ll end up sitting in lousy seats or even find the theater is sold out).

If you can join us for either dinner or for the movie (or both) please  Valerie Shutt and her husband Tim already saw the movie (on night 1) with Emy and Richard Delgaudio, who will see it again with York PAHC Working Group Chairman Bob Cosgrove, and Ron and Amalia (Alma) Gohn tonight plus those who respond to the eleventh hour call via email and e-newsletter.

PAHC is a force for good within the Filipino Community: sharing what is great about America, reminding new American citizens from the Philippines of the responsibility of American citizenship – both to vote your conscience and for candidates who represent what is best for America, upholding the ideal of “E Pluribus Unum” (out of the many, one) first expressed by America’s founding fathers and the imprint on American coins.

Sadly, there are some within the community who view such efforts – especially our speaking out for assimilation to become a part of America while upholding our own heritage, custom, faith and beliefs – as something which must be attacked.  Some believe the group and leaders expressing these views should be marginalized at best or demonized and destroyed at worst.

And thus ever as it has been in human history, with the dark fighting the light, and sadly, some confused by such inevitable conflict.

We wish our readers (comprised of both KalayaanNews subscribers and members of Philippine American Heritage Council) the very best wishes for a happy, joyous, prosperous and blessed New Year 2016.  God bless you.  And May the Force be with you!


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