(KalayaanNEWS Dispatch, Opinion) Why is Star Wars once again at the top of the movie charts – in fact topping $1 billion in sales in its first 12 days? Why does the franchise have such Iconic status in American and indeed in worldwide culture? I believe it goes beyond just a good story, good quality, and good special effects – all truly present and accounted for. It goes to something basic, something primordial in human nature: the wish, hope and prayer that what John, Chapter 1, Verse 5 says is really true – “the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it”. Continue reading
Filipino National Hero Jose Rizal to be honored at Dinner Gala Sunday Dec. 27
Filipino American Association of Philadelphia event attracts attendees from New Jersey and Pennsylvania, endorsed by Philippine American Heritage Council
(KalayaanNEWS Dispatch) The national hero and liberator of the Republic of the Philippines, Jose Rizal, will be honored on Sunday, December 27, 2015 on the occasion of the 118th year anniversary of his Martyrdom at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Cherry Hill, New Jersey by the Filipino-American Association of Philadelphia, Inc. of Media, Pennsylvania. The event will also feature the Coronation of “Miss Maria Clara 2016, Ckysha Martella Magno-Dizon, with tickets available at the gate for $65 per person, or $30 per child 12 years old and under. The event has been endorsed and is being supported by the Philippine American Heritage Council, which is sending a delegation from central Pennsylvania to attend the event which includes Amalia “Alma’ Gohn, Valerie Shutt and Emy Delgaudio among others. Continue reading
TransAmerica Eagle Team Christmas Party in Wayne, PA this Tuesday

Some of the members of the KalayaanUSA Cultural Ensemble at recent event, will be performing at TransAmerica Eagle Team Christmas Party
Members of Philippine American Heritage Council and BarangayFriends N Family to attend; KalayaanUSA Cultural Ensemble Third Performance Scheduled
Because of the outstanding, highly entertaining and culturally accurate presentation of Kalayaan USA Cultural Ensemble at the recent Barangay FriendsNFamily Christmas Party, the group got invited to present this coming Tueday, Dec. 22, at the TransAmerica Eagle Team’s Christmas Party at the Radnor Hotel in Wayne, PA. The invitation to perform was extended by Fil-Am medical professional and Transamerica Financial Advisor, Mary Grace A. Rainey of Chester County, who communicated with photos and eyewitness account what she had seen to her organization’s leadership. Continue reading
Fourth Annual Christmas Celebration of Lancaster FilAm Circle to be held Saturday, December 19, 2015
A “Roaring Great Gatsby themed Christmas Party Endorsed by Amalia Gohn representing Philippine American Heritage Council
The “Lancaster FilAm Circle” is hosting a “Great Gatsby” Christmas theme party at the upscale Lancaster Marriott at Penn Square, Heritage Ballroom on Saturday, December 19 starting at 5:30 PM with dinner served at 6:15 PM and a cash bar for drinks throughout the event. This is an “invitation only” dinner buffet with a flyer distributed which says there will be “fun, singing, cultural presentations and (to build) camaraderie among Filipinos, friends and families.”
Sold Out West Chester PA Christmas Party of Filipino-American Group this Saturday features their Dance Troupe

“Friends ‘N Family Associaton” Dance troupe will be the featured event at their annual Christmas Party Saturday, December 12 in West Chester, PA.
Barangay Friends ‘n Family Association Dance Troupe to be augmented with performance by new KalayaanUSA Cultural Ensemble Dance troupe sponsored by Philippine American Heritage Council
The Barangay Friends n’ Family Association (BFF) of West Chester, Pennsylvania, whose dance troupe was featured at the Camden, New Jersey “International Day” on October 10 and earned a standing ovation at the Philippine American Heritage Council 4th annual “Heritage Picnic” on August 2 which they co-sponsored, will be the main attraction at their annual, invitation only Christmas Party at the Days Inn Hotel and Conference Center in West Chester, PA this Saturday, December 12 from 6 to 11 PM. Continue reading
Kalayaan News
10/9/15, Vol. 1, Issue 2.
International Day in Camden County, NJ on Sat, 10/10/15
Annual “Follow the Dream Pageant” Benefit Dance Saturday 11/14
Luzviminda Holiday Fiesta Christmas Party set for 11/28 in Steelton, PA
International Day in Camden County, New Jersey on Saturday, October 10, 2015
Philippine American Heritage Council: Member or Subscriber?
Philippine American Heritage Dance Troupe
American Freedom of Speech. It is for real in the USA.
Missing PAACP
Philippine Americans 4th Annual Heritage Picnic Held Aug. 2

Group photo showing about 1/2 of the 90 attending the 4th annual Heritage Picnic on 8/2/15 at Cousler Park, York, PA hosted by Philippine American Heritage Council.
State Rep. Stan Saylor, County Judge Candidate Chris Menges, York Sheriff Richard P. Keuerleber, DJ with Music, Philippine Heritage Food, GOP County Chairman at Cousler Park
The Fourth Annual Heritage Picnic of Philippine American Heritage Council was held Sun., Aug. 2 at Cousler Park, 1060 Church Rd., York PA, 12 noon to 5 PM with a 2 PM program which included two different Philippine Dance Troupes, a professional DJ with a variety of music, a variety of foods from the Philippines including the famous “Lumpia” spring roll, a charcoal barbecue grill with hot dogs, chicken and burgers, and speeches by a state legislator, candidate for County Judge, the County Sheriff and a political party county chairman. The expanded “mobile” Philippine American Heritage Museum was on display. A 32 page Souvenir Journal was provided to attendees.
State Representative Stan Saylor, making his first appearance before the group, delivered keynote remarks on American Exceptionalism and explained the founding fathers’ vision of a legislature to check and balance the executive branch of government to help preserve freedom, a concept originally championed in the 800 years old Magna Charta in England as he described it. He said that in Pennsylvania the legislature has stopped the Governor from raising taxes.
Candidate for County Judge Chris Menges explained the need for York County to have a judge to focus on family law and helping children, which has been his focus for 38 years as an attorney. York County GOP Chairman Alex Shorb spoke on how competing political parties give people choices and how this helps assure freedom. And he brought registration forms to support his strong pitch for everyone to register to vote in elections as part of your civic duty. Sheriff Richard P. Keuerleber spoke about the role of the Sheriff in York County.
The hit of the picnic was performances by two different Philippine Dance troupes: Barangay Friends n Family Assoc. dance troupe and the Kalayaan Chorale and Dance Troupe sponsored by the Philippine American Heritage Council.
The Philippine American Heritage Council in the past three years has been addressed by Congressman Scott Perry, State Representatives Seth Grove, Kristin Hill and Kate A. Klunk and the Democratic Party nominee for State Senator, Linda Hill. Candidates from both parties and the two major party county chairmen have been invited each year to speak at the picnic. Richard Buck of Virginia, a member of the organization’s national board of directors was also in attendance, together with Ronald Wilcox of Virginia, Executive Director of the parent non-profit organization.
The Chairman of the Philippine American Heritage Council was keynote speaker May 24 at the U.S. Navy Supply Corps Assembly in Mechanicsburg for their annual celebration of Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month.
Last week after the shooting of four Marines and one Navy sailor the Philippine American Heritage Council delivered flowers and a message of support to local Military Recruiter offices. Their posterized message left outside the offices with the flowers said in part, “Our country of origin, the Republic of the Philippines, is free thanks to armed Americans in WW2. We could never have been free without you. God bless America.”
A second display of the mobile Philippine American Heritage Museum occured during the 39th Annual Red Lion Street Fair where a new, one day Exhibit was on display dedicated to the Santo Nino (Holy Child, Jesus), which commemorates the introduction of Christianity in the Philippines. The Museum and Exhibit were sponsored by “Hermana Mayor” of the “Sinulog in August” celebration, Amalia Gohn, with the display setup in front of her Amalia Beauty Boutique at 36 North Main Street, Red Lion, PA.
The Sinulog Festival in Cebu, Philippines, has attracted as many as 5 million people annually. This one day Exhibit and display from 9 AM to 4 PM attracted Americans of Philippine Ancestry from around south central PA as far away as the state capital. An altar displayed a two foot sized Santo Nino at the Museum Pavilion.
(For inquiries about participation in future PAHC events or just to stay informed you may either JOIN as an Associate Member or Subscribe to the free E-Newsletter, see upper left corner of this website or write Chairman@PhilippineAmericanHeritage.org).
The Council is open to membership for Americans interested in the Philippines, as well as Americans of Philippine ancestry. They are especially interested to find new members to expand their Kalayaan Choral and Dance Troupe and who would like to participate in future gatherings. There is also a free E-Newsletter for those who simply wish to stay informed. More at http://PhilippineAmericanHeritage.org.
Philippine Americans to hold 4th Annual Heritage Picnic Aug. 2

PA State Rep. Stan Saylor (L) and attorney Chris Menges, GOP nominee for York County Judge in Nov. 2015 election, to speak at 4th Annual Heritage Picnic of Philippine American Heritage Council on Aug. 2 at Cousler Park, York PA
State Rep. Stan Saylor, County Judge Candidate Chris Menges, DJ with Music, Philippine Heritage Food, GOP County Chairman at Cousler Park
The Fourth Annual Heritage Picnic of Philippine American Heritage Council will be held Sunday, Aug. 2 at Cousler Park, 1060 Church Rd., York PA, 12 noon to 5 PM with a program starting at 2 PM which includes two different Philippine Dance Troupes, a professional DJ with a variety of music, a variety of foods from the Philippines including the famous “Lumpia” spring roll, a charcoal barbecue grill for those bringing hots dogs, chicken and burgers, and speeches by a state legislator, candidate for County Judge and political party county chairman. Continue reading
Philippine Americans show support for Military Recruiters After Chattanooga Attack kills 4 Marines
Demands Politicians “Stop Disarming our Servicemen”

POSTER on display at Marine Recruiting office in York, PA headlined “We mourn our loss” after Chattanooga attack kills 4 Marines (11×17 inches)
The U.S. Marine Corps Recruiting Office at 315 Loucks Road, York PA received a visit from representatives of the local Philippine American Heritage Council carrying flowers, a large American flag and a poster to express sympathy and support for the armed forces after the shooting in Chattanooga, Tennessee and killing of four servicemen yesterday
The message from the Americans of Philippine ancestry and their native born American members on a tripod placed in front of the Marine and Army recruiting office with the flowers and the large American flag was headlined “We mourn our Loss. We thank all who serve.” Continue reading
Celebrating Asian American and Pacific Islander Month
Philippine American Heritage Council Chairman Salutes U.S. Navy & NAVSUP in Mechanicsburg, PA
Says E Pluribus Unum means a united States of America
The keynote speaker at an assembly of civilian workers, officers and enlisted personnel at the Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania international headquarters of the U.S. Navy Supply Corps (NAVSUP) helped focus attention on this year’s theme of the annual Asian American and Pacific Islander Month called by proclamation by joint resolution of Congress and by Presidents from Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush through Barack Obama.
Emy Delgaudio, Chairman of the Philippine American Heritage Council (PAHC) and also a member of LuzViMinda Association of Central PA and the Philippine American Association of Central PA (PAACP), Kapitbayan Filipino American Association, Inc. (KFAAI), spoke to this year’s theme of “Many Cultures, One Voice, Promote Equality and Inclusion” and headlined her remarks “E Pluribus Unum – Out of the many, One.” Continue reading